Tibetan Singing Bowls and Gongs

Our Tibetan singing bowls are handmade in India according to traditional methods. Tibetan singing...

Tibetan singing bowl with a wooden mallet. Handmade in India according to traditional methods.

Our Tibetan singing bowls are handmade in India according to traditional methods. Tibetan singing...
Tibetan singing bowls come from the Himalayas and have a long tradition. They are used for meditations, yoga mantras, space cleansing, sound healing, sound massages and therapies, chakra cleansing, sleep enhancement, concerts, music therapy and ceremonies. We classify them as healing musical instruments. We can find them under various names such as Nepalese bowls, meditation bowls, Indian bowls, singing bowls, resonant bowls, inverted bells, Buddhist bowls, etc.
What is essential is their frequency, length and pleasing tone and the quality of their design. We can play on a singing bowl by hand, hammer, felt mallet, wooden mallet or wooden hammer for various sounds and tones.
This category contains deep bowls by type: traditional Tibetan bowls and crystal bowls.
How to choose a Tibetan bowl?
- By sound - you will find sound recordings with tone and frequency for each bowl; bowls are instruments that have aliquot tones, so you will find that they contain multiple tones and one dominant one.
- According to the chakra, we can assign chakras to individual meditation missions based on the dominant tones. Chakras represent seven levels of human consciousness that strongly impact human life.
- By diameter - small bowls with a diameter of 8 cm or more have high toning tones, and bowls with a diameter of 25 cm or more offer deep harmonizing tones.
- According to production - handmade, machine-made, matt, shiny, decorated and clean bowls
Not sure how to choose a bowl? Maybe check our blog How to choose a singing bowl for more ideas.
For beginners with bowls, we recommend the article: BASICS ABOUT SINGING TIBETAN BOWLS AND THEIR EFFECTS.
Check a video of the effect of the Tibetan water bowl: